Book people

10:30 AM

Here’s an amusing inquiry: what book would you like to live in? When I was a teenager the answer was easy: Catcher in the rye.

I would love to befriend and perhaps date Holden Caufield. I know many girls feel the same way, but I think the likely scenario is that he would end up hating me. Nowadays, however, I don’t care much about Holden. Not only am I too old for him now, (Hello, D.B.) but that whole teenage angst thing is only appealing to teenagers - or maybe not, see the whole Twilight phenomenon.

My adult choice would be rather cliché too, maybe to live in a Jane Austen book. Balls, tea parties, horseback riding, alternating between the country and Bath. That sounds like a lot of fun. I’m not so sure if I could follow that strict etiquette code though. But then after six novels, I think I got the gist of it.

What book would you like to live in?

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  1. I read Catcher in the Rye a long time ago, but Holden never appealed to me. I'd actually like to read it again, but I think he would annoy me even more now...

    It's funny, even before you saw your adult choice, I thought of Jane Austen as well - yes, I'd probably choose to be Elizabeth Bennett. Cliche, yes, but...sigh!

    1. It's not just us, on that survey Pride and Prejudice got second place (Harry Potter got first place...) Lizzy is such a great character, but I would also like to be Emma Woodhouse and meet the dashing Mr. Knightley. Holden's got nothing on him.

  2. I love that question...but as to an answer, nothings springs to mind. Perhaps because I'm reading Bleak House and 1Q84--neither are quite where I would like to live.

    1. Yeah, no one would like to live in a bleak house... But what do you think about 1Q84 so far? I've heard so much about it already but I don't know if it's any good or if it's just hype.

  3. I have never thought of it ... living in a book. Not even BEING a book (like in Fahrenheit 451. But on second thoughts, I think I would comfortably live on "The April Witch" (Ray Bradbury).

  4. Actually the whole idea of the "book people" always intrigued me. It makes me a little nervous to think how I would react if I were in that book. I can't really decide which book I should memorize!

  5. I would like to live in Looking for Alaska by John Green. Perpetual teenage years with no overwhelming responsibilities and constantly living life to the fullest, yes please. :)

    Loved this post!

    1. I actually gave my cousin that book a couple of years ago, I hope she enjoyed it as much as you did. I never read Looking for Alaska, but I really like John Green's videos to his brother, they are so funny. He even made a video about Catcher in the rye:

    2. I love his videos too! I really recommend all of his books. His writing voice is spectacular and I think a lot of people get fooled by the Young Adult genre that he writes for but I think that everyone should read his books, he has some great and really intriguing things to say :)

    3. But he actually stopped making videos, right? I'd love to see more of him interpreting literature! I have yet to check out his books, they do seem interesting!


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