Photo by Patrick Tomasso
Oh, hello.
I feel like
you caught me visiting an old house I own but no longer live in. The property
is wrecked and desolate and I can see your look of disapproval: “Why didn’t you
take care of the place?”
I know. The posts are all dusty, the content stagnated,
ancient pictures all over the place.
Many bloggers go
through a blog hiatus and sometimes that hiatus turns into the end of the blog
altogether. I know because I’ve seen it happen so many times, even with my own
blogs. This is common, but so sad. It´s like seeing a neighborhood shop going out of business.
My hiatus lasted two and a half years which is the same to say that the blog ended. And yet, The
Culture Enthusiast has always been on the back of my mind. Probably because
going to museums, watching movies and reading books (and discussing and
analyzing it all ad nauseam) is a big part of my life. I can’t say, with Rainer Maria
Rilke, that I would die without writing but I terribly miss the conversations the blog made possible.
That is why I plan to slowly come back with posts on some interesting books I'm reading and cool films I've seen this year (and oh my gosh, the Chrysler Museum has a new Mark Rothko). Hopefully, whatever reader neighbors that have stuck around will come back for a cup of tea and a
chat about this crazy cultural world of ours.