The Artist

Movies 9:18 AM

Sonnets from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Books 9:56 AM

Cool facts about the Parthenon

Art 9:16 AM


Movies 5:59 PM

Top 10 Books and Authors I'm Thankful for

lists 9:41 AM

The Calumny of Appelles by Botticelli

Analysis 9:28 AM

A (self imposed) James Stewart overdose

James Stewart 9:14 AM

How to set the mood for reading

Books 8:52 AM

An Amish Barn and the manipulation of reality

Analysis 8:29 AM

The Red Shoes

Movies 10:09 AM

Very intimidating classics

Books 9:23 AM

A little award ceremony plus a big link party

10:12 AM

Funniest comedy one liners

lists 9:00 AM