Big Pile of Books

Books 12:37 PM
I was on a used bookstore shopping spree recently so I have a lot of books I plan to read this Fall. Or at least that I plan to carry around with me when I'm going for a chai latte at Starbucks. This post is part of The Broke and Bookish Top Ten Tuesday meme. Today is Top 10 Books on my Fall TBR...

Oedipus Rex paintings

Art 4:59 PM
detail - info below Oedipus and the Sphinx (1808 - 25) by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres  via the Louvre  "Listen to me and learn some peace of mind: no skill in the world, nothing human can penetrate the future." Oedipus and the Sphinx by François-Xavier Fabre via A Classic a Day  "If you are the man he says you are, believe me, you were born for pain." ...

We are all Castaways:
Review of the film Moon

Books 2:12 PM
via Stuff Point In the last couple of years lots of big blockbuster movies came out that were set in space: Gravity, Interstellar, The Martian. I don't mean to be controversial, but as a fan of realistic sci-fi movies, I thought these movies were all flash and little substance. Even Interstellar, which I liked, was a bit hard to sit through. As this...

All about Audio
Top 10 Audio books and Podcasts

Books 8:00 AM
photo by Corey Blaz Top 10 Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. I started listening to audio books on my freshman year in college. I had a long commute and an even longer reading list. Between work and classes, I had very little time and knew I had to step up my game if I wanted to cross off every...

Something New by P. G. Wodehouse

Books 8:09 AM
source Hey guys, please forgive my absence. I don’t have a great reason for being gone that long, it was mostly because of work. And partly because of winter. Anyways, I’m back and eager to share my latest obsession: P. G. Wodehouse. But let’s start from the beginning. Back in December, I read a million books just to finish my 2013 to-be-read list....

Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen

Books 4:37 PM
Northanger Abbey is certainly less famous than other Jane Austen novels like Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility. But it is not less fun or charming. It has all that good Austen stuff: despicable villains, exciting balls and, of course, a dashing hero. To be honest, it took me longer than I expected to finish this book. Probably because the book tries...

6 ways to organize your books

Books 11:56 AM
Do you remember that episode of Friends where Ross’ girlfriend has a really messy, dirty apartment and in the end Monica shows up at her house saying she can’t sleep because of it and offers to clean it? I totally understand Monica. Not so much her urge to clean, but I have organized my sister’s and my mother’s wardrobe voluntarily just... for fun. ...

Reading in trains

Books 2:47 PM
Sorry everyone for leaving the blog a bit abandoned. I was half busy, half out of town and half without ideas. Speaking about traveling, I had a very difficult decision to make on my last trip - what book to read on the train. It might seem a banal decision but it’s one I take seriously. Even though technology helps passing the time while...

On the highway to hell: The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis

Books 5:06 PM
Just one of the many amazing quotes from Lewis' book, The Screwtape Letters  I recently finished reading The Screwtape Letters, a book by C. S. Lewis comprised of humorous letters written by an experienced demon to his nephew – also a demon. Screwtape, the author of the letters, gives out advice to Wormwood, his nephew, on how to better tempt his "patient", a man recently...

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Books 6:09 PM
Like so many girls, I decided to read Sense and Sensibility after reading (and loving) Pride and Prejudice. Unfortunately, the first time I read it, Sense and Sensibility felt like a bucket of cold water. Sense and sensibility's sad tones and tricky situations took me by surprise. And don't get me started on the male characters. Willoughby, Edward and Col. Brandon are complex and troubled -...

Top 10 Bookish Memories

Books 12:05 PM
Top 10 Tuesday is a book meme hosted by the creative girls from The Broke and the Bookish. Yesterday's theme was Top 10 Bookish Memories. At first, I thought I wasn't going to be able to pull this one off because I never met a famous author, or waited in line to buy a book. (Apparently a great number of bloggers waited in line...

Sonnets from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Books 9:56 AM
If you asked me to recommend a book of poetry, I’d recommend Sonnets from thePortuguese. Many times, poetry can be unintelligible and difficult to tackle – Sonnets from the Portuguese is neither. They are written in a direct way which makes them easy to understand. They are about love, which is relatable.  Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote these poems to her husband, the also poet,...