Photo by Patrick Tomasso Oh, hello. I feel like you caught me visiting an old house I own but no longer live in. The property is wrecked and desolate and I can see your look of disapproval: “Why didn’t you take care of the place?” I know. The posts are all dusty, the content stagnated, ancient pictures all over the place. Many bloggers...
Yesterday my little blog turned one! I might be exaggerating, but I think that calls for a celebration. So, as you read, imagine I’m spraying you with champagne, the way those pilots do after they win a Formula 1 race. This could be the imaginary champagne talking, but I want to thank everybody for reading and supporting the blog. Your comments make my...
Hey guys, I have a quick announcement. Everybody in the conference room. Sorry, I've been watching way too much The Office lately. Anyway, I started a style blog called Skirt Bouquet which will cover fashion inspiration and all things stylish. I'll be posting there on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays so there are no changes here in The Culture Enthusiast. You can visit the new...
I was tagged in the Liebster blog award by the lovely Rie from Rie Reviews. Thanks so much, Rie! The rules to receive this award are: 1) Share 11 random facts about yourself 2) Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who tagged you 3) Tag 11 bloggers 4) Ask them 11 questions So let's get to it: 11 random facts about myself...
Last week I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by the lovely and crafty Anna from Miss Beatrix. Many thanks, Anna, I really appreciate it! Here's my acceptance speech (just kidding, these are the award rules). 1. Add the award to your blog. ok 2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you. ok 3. Mention 7 random things about yourself. (see...